BFT Body Fit Training

The BFT value is that they combine expert personal training with the high energy of group fitness classes.  They offer a balanced, progressive, science-based program that will unlock the best fitness results possible while eliminating the frustrations of training plateaus.  BFT is efficient, effective, and most importantly FUN!!!

Their studio offers strength training, cardio conditioning and recovery programs designed to keep you motivated and keep the guess work out of going to the gym.


  • An innovative, cutting edge training program based.
  • Multiple certified, highly accredited personal trainers in every class.
  • 14 class types that provide a wide variety of training guaranteed to keep you from plateauing and keep you excited about your fitness routine.
  • In their studio you will find barbells, kettlebells, cardio machines, kickboxing equipment, and more!


469 Bloomfield Avenue, Montclair, New Jersey 07042

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