Barbara Morini’s committed to helping others live a healthier and more fulfilling life, inside and out, started three decades ago, when she became a professional dancer. After graduating from the famed Classical Ballet Academy Cosi-Stefanescu, Barbara began observing various fitness regimens from around the world and started integrating those ideas into her personal philosophy of genuine mental and physical health.
Barbara’s success as an international dancer and choreographer helped her launch a career as a Certified Pilates Instructor. For 10 years, she owned To Be Studio Pilates in Milan and was the “go to” fitness trainer for many celebrities, businessman, dancers and clients of all ages. Barbara has been a guest on all the major Italian TV networks such as RAI1, RAI 2, Canale 5 and RETE 4. In addition she has been featured in magazine such as Sportweek, Grazia, Silhoette, Io Donna, and Starbene. She has competed training programs with the Melt Method, American Institute of Reboundology, Cardiolates and Bellicon. For Cardiolates and Bellicon she is the first Italian Certified Instructor/Trainer and has trained more than 250 teachers.
Barbara is married to Roger Mazzeo and the proud mother of two beautiful girls, Nicole and Sophia. Barbara and her family are proud Montclair locals and enjoy sharing their enthusiasm for everything the town has to offer.