Outdoor Seating

The following cafes, restaurants, and bars have outdoor seating:

16 Handles Montclair, NJ (16handles.com)
42 S. Park St.

Ah’ Pizz https://www.ahpizz.com/
7 North Willow St.

Alto Rooftop Bar (MC Hotel)  Alto MC Hotel
690 Bloomfield Ave.

Antika Grill   https://antikagrill.com/
578 Bloomfield Ave.

Bareburger  https://bareburger.com/
480 Bloomfield Ave.

Bar Franco www.bar-franco.com
15 Church St.

Belgiovine’s  https://www.belgiovinespizza.com/
714 Bloomfield Ave.

Benvenuti  https://www.benvenutimontclair.com/
20 Church St.

Beyond Pita  Beyond Pita
82 Church St.

BoomChia  https://www.boomchia.com/
427 Bloomfield Ave.

Café Giotto  Cafe Giotto Menu
343 Bloomfield Ave.

Cap’t Loui Cap’t Loui
10 Park St.

Charm Thai Charm Thai Cuisine
600 Bloomfield Ave.

Chatni  chatnimontclair.com
381 Bloomfield Ave. (seating is out back)

Cuban Pete’s  https://cubanpetesrestaurant.com/
428 Bloomfield Ave.

Dhamaal Dhamaal (squarespace.com)
11 S Fullerton Ave.

Diesel and Duke https://www.eatdiesel.com/montclair
20 Church St.

Dutch’s Sandwich Shop Dutch’s Sandwich Shop
16 Church St.

Efi’s Gyro  https://www.efisgyro.com/
521 Bloomfield Ave.

Gioia Mia https://www.fascinorestaurant.com/
331 Bloomfield Ave.

Faubourg  https://www.faubourgmontclair.com/
544 Bloomfield Ave.

Fresco da Franco  https://www.frescodafranco.com/
15 Church St.

Fusionista Fusionista
14 Park St.

Greek Taverna https://www.greektavernausa.com/
292 Bloomfield Ave.

Jack’s Seafood Shack  https://www.jacklobstershack.com/
718 Bloomfield Ave.

Jalwa Modern Indian Dining  http://www.jalwanj.com
215 Glenridge Ave.

Jayce Baudry Home | Jayce Baudry French Pastry
17 Church St.

Java Love  Java Lova
49 Church St.

Just Jake’s  https://www.justjakes.com/
30 Park St.

Kai Yang  https://www.kaiyangnj.com/
345 Bloomfield Ave.

Kreme & Krumbs https://kremeandkrumbs.com/
147 Bloomfield Ave.

Laboratorio Kitchen  https://www.thelaboratoriokitchen.com/
615 Bloomfield Ave.

La Fontaine Cafe  https://www.lafontainenj.com/
12 N. Willow St.

La Rocca Osteria  https://laroccaosteria.com/
21 Midland Ave.

Le French Dad  https://www.lefrenchdad.com/
10 Church St.

Leone’s  https://leonesmontclair.com/
19 S Park St.

Let’s Yo!  Let’s Yo!
31 Valley Rd.

Libélula https://www.libelulamontclair.com/
5 N. Fullerton Ave.

Los Hermano’s Mexican Grill Los Hermano’s Mexican Grill
190C Bloomfield Ave.

Luigino’s Parmigiana Luigino’s Parmigiano
173 Glenridge Ave.

Mesob  Mesob
515 Bloomfield Ave.

Mikki & Al’s  https://www.mikkiandals.com/
14 Park St.

Milk N Cookies https://milkncookies.com//
43 Church St.

Minia’s Breakfast & Lunch  https://miniasbreakfastandlunch.com/
22 Lackawanna Plaza

Montclair House Grill  https://www.montclairhousegrill.com/
12 Church St.

Napoli  https://www.napolitrattoria.com/
11 Park St.

Noches De Columbia  https://nochesdecolombia.com/
19 Elm St.

Nuts & Delights instagram.com/mnutsanddelights
555 Bloomfield Ave.

Only Poké https://www.onlypokebowl.com/
6 Park St.

Pineapple Express https://www.pineappleexpressbarbecue.com/
1 Lackawanna Plaza

Playa Bowls https://www.playabowls.com/
28 S. Park St.

Porta Porta Montclair
499 Bloomfield Ave.

Proven Poke  https://provenpokeco.com/
19 Church St.

Raymond’s  https://raymondsnj.com/montclair
28 Church St.

Samba  https://www.sambamontclair.com/
7 Park St.

Sapori  Sapori Montclair
9 Park St. 

Sayola  https://www.sayolarestaurantnj.com/
38 Valley Rd.

Starbucks  https://www.starbucks.com/
40 S Park St. 

Sweet Kitchen  https://www.sweetkitchenmontclair.com/
533 Bloomfield Ave.

Sweet T’s Southern Eatery  https://sweettsmontclair.com/
387 Bloomfield Ave.

The Juice House The Juice House
10 N Willow St.

The Salad House of Montclair  https://www.thesaladhouse.com/
18 S Fullerton Ave.

Tasca https://tascabistro.com

The Tea Company Café  www.theteacompanycafe.com
8 S. Fullerton Ave. 

Toast  Toast City Diner
700 Bloomfield Ave.

Trend Coffee & Tea House  https://www.trendcoffee.com/
411 Bloomfield Ave.

Uncle Momo  https://www.unclemomo.com/
702 Bloomfield Ave.

WorldFlats  https://www.flatsfood.com/
58 Church St.

Zeugma Grill  https://www.zeugmagrill.com/
44 South Park St.

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